
miércoles, 6 de junio de 2012

Kindergarten Expectations

Listening and Speaking
L/S K.1- Listens and responds to basic commands, instructions, and routine questions during story time using expressions to demonstrate engagement.
L/S K.2- Demonstrates the development of early phonemic awareness and the alphabetic principle when participating in listening and speaking activities.
L/S K.3- Uses basic vocabulary to identify familiar concepts related to self, family, and to interact with peers.
L.S K.4- Offers and responds to greetings and farewells using appropiate courtesy expressions.
L/S K.5- Uses both verbal and nonverbal forms of communication to express feelings and needs; reacts to pictures and simple language cues after listening to read alouds.

R.K. 1- Identifies vowels and consonants; associates the sounds.
R.K.2-  Uses basic aural phonemic awareness strategies to manipulate sounds.
R.K.3-  Uses context clues and illustrations to identify details and to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.
R. K.4- Demonstrates awareness of main character(s) and uses picture cues to identify similarities and differences between characters within narrative texts.

W. K.1- Identifies and traces the letters of the alphabet using linear and curved strokes; recognizes uppercase and lowercase letters.
W.K.2- Writes the letters that represents first name.
W. K. 3- Forms the letters of the alphabet using a variety of manipulatives, identifies the initial consonant in words or pictures by tracing and circling, and attempts to write the letters using print techniques.
W.K.4- Illustrates to express feelings, concepts related to family, and personal experiences.

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