
domingo, 10 de junio de 2012

First Grade Blog

La primera unidad de primer grado es "My Feelings",los conceptos que se discutiran son el alfabeto, los sentimientos y los opuestos.  Estudia con tu hijo(a) las letras del alfabeto y preguntale cual es la "uppercase" y  "lowercase".  Hoy (28 de agosto ) empezamos el ABC Book, cada semana pedire algunas laminas para traer sin pegarlas a la libreta, estas laminas son para el ABC Book, que sera una nota completa.  Mrs. Ruiz

Second Grade Blog

Padres de Segundo Grado
La primera unidad de segundo grado es "Bilingual and Proud", donde se espera que el estudiante desee llegar a ser un nino bilingue, capaz de dominar dos lenguajes. Habla con tu hijo(a) de los beneficios de ser bilingue aqui en Puerto Rico o en otros paises. 
Empezamos tambien un diario o "journal" donde de vez en cuando los estudiantes contestaran una pregunta y escribiran lo que sienten.  El "journal" sera una nota completa al final del semestre.
Estaremos repasando el calendario, los dias y los meses.  Este jueves, 30 de agosto de 2012 habra un corto examen de los dias de la semana.  Mrs. Ruiz

Kindergarten Blog

Padres de Kindergarten:

La primera unidad de Kindergarten es "About Me", se hablara de las razones por las que todos somos especiales, las partes del cuerpo, la familia y los colores.
Empezaremos por los colores... preguntale mucho :" What color is this?" para que practique todos los colores.
La libreta de ingles en kinder es la numero 3.... algunos estudiantes tienen dos libretas numero 3, por favor arreglar las libretas para que los estudiantes no se confundan.
Algunos no han traido todavia su foto, la foto se pegara al lado de una tarjeta con el nombre del estudiante en la pared para que el nino se le haga facil escribir su nombre y aprenderse el nombre de los demas.
Mrs. Ruiz

jueves, 7 de junio de 2012

Evaluation Criteria

August to May (2012-2013)
  • Tests - One test for each month; 25 to 30 points for each test.
  • Dictations- 5 to 10 short dictations; 5 to 10 points each; 100 points total
  • Oral Reports- 4 to 5 for semester; 25 points each
  • Special Assignments ( book reports, draw and write, picture dictionary, and others)
  • English Notebook ( neatness, completed assignments, special assignments, reflexive diaries , creativity)

****Subject to Change

miércoles, 6 de junio de 2012

EnglishZoo Classroom needs your help!!

En la reunion de padres se menciono que la escuela no tiene las facilidades por el momento de sacar copias para las hojas de tareas o pruebas.  Le agradezco a todos los padres que han cooperado con papel de copias ya sea largo o corto. Todo es para el beneficio de los estudiantes.
Mrs. Ruiz

Materials for the Classroom

Oral Report Criteria

Second Grade Expectations

Listening and Speaking
L.S 2.1- Listens and responds to simple commands, instructions, and statements, and is able to answer the 5 wh questions during story time using expressions to demonstrate engagement.
L.S 2.2- Applies phonemic awareness and auditory discrimination to identify distinctive sounds.
L.S 2.3- Uses appropiate vocabulary and language patterns to identify, describe, and classify familiar concepts related to self, family, and environment, and to interact with peers.
L.S. 2.4- Demonstrates verbal and nonverbal forms of greetings, farewells, and introductions using the appropiate courtesy expressions in simple sentences.
L.S. 2.5- Expresses feelings, needs, ideas, and experiences; discusses learned concepts from content area or class readings using acquired language.
R 2.1- Uses letter-sound relationship to decode words and phrases fluently.
R 2.2- Uses phonemic awareness strategies to manipulate sounds and to form new multisyllabic words; reads words and phrases in simple narrative text fluently.
R 2.3- Uses context clues and acknowledge resources as a support to build vocabulary, verify meaning, and determine the meaning of unfamiliar words; demonstrates an acquisition of grade level vocabulary and transfers word meaning into a variety of narrative texts.
R 2.4- Identifies and states the main character; establishes similarities and differences between characters; identifies the setting within narrative text.
R 2.5- Demonstrates an understanding of story organization of beginning, middle, an end; makes predictions within narrative text.
W 2.1- Matches all uppercase letters to their corresponding lowercase counterparts; arranges words in alphabetical order using first letter criteria.
W 2.2- Uses phonemic awareness and phonics strategies to write simple words, applies correct letter and spacing.
W 2.3- Applies correct capitalization and punctuation marks in declarative and interrogative sentences; identifies the main parts of speech.
W 2.4- Writes to express feelings, familiar topics, experiences, and describe picture; uses high frequency words to write simple sentences of three to four words in length, applies correct word spacing.
W 2.5- Uses the dictionary as an aid in the writing process; uses visual aids to support generating ideas.

First Grade Expectations

Listening and Speaking
L/S 1.1- Listens and responds to basic commands, instructions, and routine questions during story time using expressions to demonstrate engagement.
L/S 1.2- Develops and demonstrates phonemic awareness and auditory discrimination to identify distinctive sounds.
L/S 1.3- Uses basic vocabulary and language patterns to identify and describe familiar concepts related to self, to family, and to interact with peers.
L/S 1.4- Offers and responds to greetings and farewells using the appropiate cortesy expressions.
L/S 1.5- Uses both verbal and nonverbal forms of communication to express feelings, needs, experiences, and reacts to pictures and simple language cues after listening to read alouds.

R 1.1- Recognizes letter-sound relationships to decode words and phrases fluently.
R 1.2- Uses phonemic awareness strategies to manipulate sounds and form new monosyllabic words.
R 1.3- Uses context clues and illustrations to identify details and to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words, demonstrates an acquisition of grade-level vocabulary.
R.1.4- Identifies the main character(s) and uses picture cues to identify similarities and differences between characters within narrative text.
R 1.5- Identifies story organization of beginning, middle, and end within narrative text.

W 1.1- Recognizes and writes the letters of the alphabet, writes initial and final consonants in CVC pattern words.
W 1.2- Writes name correctly; copies words and simple three word sentences using left to right, top to bottom progression; applies appropiate spacing between letters and words; uses phonemic awareness and phonics strategies to spell words.
W 1.3- Identifies a complete sentence using capitalization, recognizes ending punctuation.
W 1.4- Writes to describe a picture, person, or object; writes sentences of two or three words in length.
W 1.5- Uses a picture dictionary as an aid to the writing process.

Kindergarten Expectations

Listening and Speaking
L/S K.1- Listens and responds to basic commands, instructions, and routine questions during story time using expressions to demonstrate engagement.
L/S K.2- Demonstrates the development of early phonemic awareness and the alphabetic principle when participating in listening and speaking activities.
L/S K.3- Uses basic vocabulary to identify familiar concepts related to self, family, and to interact with peers.
L.S K.4- Offers and responds to greetings and farewells using appropiate courtesy expressions.
L/S K.5- Uses both verbal and nonverbal forms of communication to express feelings and needs; reacts to pictures and simple language cues after listening to read alouds.

R.K. 1- Identifies vowels and consonants; associates the sounds.
R.K.2-  Uses basic aural phonemic awareness strategies to manipulate sounds.
R.K.3-  Uses context clues and illustrations to identify details and to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.
R. K.4- Demonstrates awareness of main character(s) and uses picture cues to identify similarities and differences between characters within narrative texts.

W. K.1- Identifies and traces the letters of the alphabet using linear and curved strokes; recognizes uppercase and lowercase letters.
W.K.2- Writes the letters that represents first name.
W. K. 3- Forms the letters of the alphabet using a variety of manipulatives, identifies the initial consonant in words or pictures by tracing and circling, and attempts to write the letters using print techniques.
W.K.4- Illustrates to express feelings, concepts related to family, and personal experiences.

Welcome to the school year 2012-2013!

Welcome to all my students and dear parents!!
My name is Mrs. Ruiz and I will be your English teacher this school year.  I hope we spend a great time learning together.  Remember to ask me all the questions you have; don't be shy!!! I am here to help you.  Try your best and forget the rest!!